Orthopaedic Surgical CPD

Small animal orthopaedic courses in London

If you're looking for specialist training courses on TPLO, feel free to contact us today. To confirm interest in any of the training courses detailed, please complete the contact form at the bottom of the page.

TPLO Masterclass using locking plates

This is a highly practical 2 day course involving the theory behind the procedure and how to perform the procedure on synbones and two cadavers.  Postoperative radiographs of the procedures will allow delegates to critique their own work during the course. Delegates should have prior experience with internal fixation techniques and be accomplished at surgical approaches to the stifle joint. 

Following the course the delegates will be encouraged to submit postoperative radiographs of surgical cases on which they will continue to receive feedback from highly experienced tutors. The course will be run by Elvin Kulendra and Kevin Parsons whom are both European and RCVS specialists in small animal surgery. There is also an option to have direct mentorship during your first clinical case.

Course program
TPLO Masterclass using locking plates
Clinical examination of cruciate deficient stifle


  • Clinical examination of cruciate deficient stifle 
  • TPLO and radiographic planning concepts
  • Locking plates
  • Surgical techniques of locking TPLO plating
  • The meniscal injury
  • Outcome and complications in TPLO

We cover all aspects of TPLO

Comprehensive teaching

If you're looking for thorough knowledge on TPLO, enroll on one of our courses. Our experts have immense knowledge and exposure to answer all queries related to TPLO. From the surgical techniques to complications, our training covers all aspects of TPLO. Call us today if you have any query regarding our course curriculum.
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If you're looking for small animal orthopaedic courses in London, email K2 Veterinary Education below.
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