Practical veterinary
surgery training courses in London

At K2 Veterinary Education, we offer practical veterinary courses for practical veterinarians. Complete the contact form at the bottom of the page and we will be in contact soon.

Our mission

K2 Veterinary Education strives to provide up-to-date, practical veterinary courses delivered by leading specialists in their field. As well as providing top of the range equipment during the state of the art practical sessions, for certain courses we provide follow up advice for your cases.  

A multinational company that includes Ethicon and DePuy Synthes. Ethicon’s portfolio not only includes a leading brand of suture material but also advanced energy devices for open and laparoscopic surgery. DePuy Synthes is a leading orthopaedic implant supplier, which strives to advance patient care whilst delivering clinical and economic value to health care systems worldwide.

K2 in partnership offer one and two day courses delivered by ECVS and RCVS recognised
specialists in surgery. Our CPD courses focus on practical tips and skills that will help you manage common surgical conditions. Courses are suitable for general practitioners trying to improve their surgical knowledge and practical skills and candidates enrolled on a CertAVP program.

For certain courses we provide continued mentorship for delegates in practice.
Equine training

We offer the following courses:

Small animal orthopaedics

Highly experienced tutors

We have a small team of friendly tutors highly experienced in teaching who have lectured nationally and internationally who will be able to guide you through the various techniques, step by step.
Small animal soft tissue surgery

Book your course today

If you’re looking for further information on Veterinary surgical CPD or have any questions, please contact K2 Veterinary Education at:

About us

Elvin Kulendra

K2 Veterinary Education was started by Nicola and Elvin Kulendra who are both ECVS and RCVS specialists in small animal surgery. They are both passionate about teaching and improving the quality of surgical training in the U.K. through all levels of ability.

Elvin Kulendra graduated from the Royal Veterinary College and completed an internship as well as a period in general practice prior to completing a surgical residency at the same institution. During his residency he completed a masters on feline tarsal injuries and his RCVS certificate in veterinary diagnostic imaging. He is an ECVS/RCVS specialist in small animal surgery and a fellow of the higher education academy. Elvin was a senior lecturer in small animal orthopaedics prior to moving to private referral practice. Elvin is the current BVOA education chairman and national/regional faculty for AO. He has lectured extensively nationally and internationally and written numerous scientific articles in small animal surgery. 
Elvin Kulendra
Nicola Kulendra

Nicola Kulendra
BVetMed (Hons) MVetMed CertVDI DipECVS PGCert (VetEd) FHEA FRCVS

Nicola graduated from The Royal Veterinary College in 2006 and worked for 2 years in general practice. She became a Junior clinical training scholar (Intern) and later a Senior Clinical Training Scholar (Resident) in Small Animal Surgery. Nicola passed the board certifying examination of the European College of Veterinary Surgeons (ECVS) in 2013 and is now a European and RCVS recognised Specialist in Small Animal Surgery. She has also completed a clinical masters program (MVetMed) and obtained her certificate in Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging (CertVDI) in 2011 and passed the PGCert (VetEd) in 2015. She worked as a Lecturer in Small Animal Surgery at the Royal Veterinary College before moving to private practice in Surrey. She has served on the AVSTS committee and is an examiner for the CertAVP. 

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“I throughly enjoyed the TPLO master class run by K2 Veterinary Education. I have been doing a variety of different osteotomies over the years for cruciate disease, so for me the course strikes the perfect balance between theoretical review and practical hands on training, with a lot of emphasis on the latter, getting to learn all those useful tips that make the difference, as we all know that the devil is in the details. The instruction, the equipment and the venue were to high professional standards, as were the course notes.The post-course support with my own cases has also been very helpful, with an informal and personal approach.”

Tamir Hargittai

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“Fantastic course with very good engaging speakers. The practical sessions were excellent with lot of good, practical tips. I left the course confident to be able to perform the surgery solo. Possibility to continue to receive feedback on surgical cases is a major added bonus. I would not hesitate to recommend this course to colleagues.”

Dr Gabriella Papa

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If you're looking for veterinary training courses in London, email K2 Veterinary Education below.
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